Cutler Reyes
Security Specialist
"Cybersecurity is a field that thrives at the intersection of technical sophistication and human subjectivity with opportunity and intent holding it together."
A wise man once said, "when the student is ready, the master will come" and cybersecurity certainly found me. In my youth, I cultivated a habit of thinking outside the box and in many cases, getting into places or situations that I shouldn't have. Sometimes, it was out of shameless curiosity or just a hope for cool stories at the end. This roguish impulse pushed me into the world seeking adventure. From missionary work in Central America to walking the Appalachian trail, and fishing in Alaska, I spent my development searching the world for challenges to overcome, complex skills to master, and people to unite with.
Cybersecurity took all these experiences and gave them a productive outlet to build from. Lock-picking grew into SQL injections, talking my way out of the principal’s office became social engineering for admin credentials, and living with many different social groups evolved into a passion for communication and teamwork. Cybersecurity is a field that thrives at the intersection of technical sophistication and human subjectivity with opportunity and intent holding it together. It is my goal to take comprehension in an esoteric field and communicate it to a broader audience so that rogues never get the opportunity to do harm, but also to build and test the security of the environment for that audience to operate in. After all, who better to defend the castle than the guy who already cased it?